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Smartphones and tablet computers are opening up new avenues for retirees to enjoy their lives. These five apps are good examples of what’s on offer, but they’re only a starting point.
The rising cost of living is shrinking budgets, making travel that much financially harder. But for those willing to ‘rough it’ in a van, it’s still possible to see this country, from Darwin in the north to Hobart in the south.
For retirees, being digitally connected is about more than just online banking and shopping. It’s about securely accessing all the benefits the internet has to offer so they don’t get left behind.
Remember those days when television was black and white, and the ABC and three commercial channels (less in some states) were the only game in town. Today, it’s a smorgasbord of choice, with this article detailing some of the better options.
When retirement looms, many look for a milder climate. In the US it’s Florida, and in Australia, it’s the Gold Coast. And the latter might just have more to offer.
Ending your working life and starting retirement can be stressful. To help you adjust to a completely new way of life, The Golden Times suggests these titles are well worth a read.
While recent studies estimate the total savings needed for retirement at about $1 million, specialists caution against a one-size-fits-all approach, and many Australians could be “comfortable” on less.
Approximately a third of SMSF holders under advice will be hurt by the new cap on discounted superannuation balances, the researcher says. A bump in the TBC cap will help some, but add to complexity for advisers.
Younger Australians expect to retire earlier, and earn more in retirement, than older generations even as they redefine the traditional path to retirement by taking more career breaks, new Vanguard research shows – and these ambitious expectations may not be “aligning to reality”.
A key consideration for SMSF members is how their retirement will impact their fund’s investment strategy. To navigate these tricky waters, members must plan around long-term needs, and input from experts can help prevent costly mistakes, according to Accurium principal Melanie Dunn.
Higher rates and the cost of living, on top of global events, have contributed to increased Fear Of Running Out across the country. Yet the level of concern may be relatively unfounded, AMP reports.
By holding ground in areas such as quality of life, material well-being, finances and health while other countries fell back, Australia moved up two spots to 5th on the latest Natixis Global Retirement Index.