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Lisa Uhlman

Lisa is editor of The Golden Times and has extensive experience covering legal and financial services news.

Lisa Uhlman results

As banks unite to stop scams, seniors group says more is needed

The banking industry’s Scam-Safe Accord aims to “put scammers out of business” through six coordinated initiatives, including name and biometric checks. It’s a good first step for protecting older Australians, who are disproportionately affected by scams, an advocacy group says.

Lisa Uhlman | 29th Nov 2023 | More
Australians pay third-most globally for internet, but shopping around can help

Only Norwegians and Icelanders pay more than Australians for internet access, and Australia’s fixed broadband speeds rank a dismal 92nd globally. But consumers, even those on a fixed income, shouldn’t despair: a little research can save a lot of money.

Lisa Uhlman | 29th Nov 2023 | More
Responsible investors approach critical mass in Australia, but ESG’s hurdles still high

Greenwashing is still the biggest barrier to uptake of responsible investment strategies, but this and other challenges the ESG sector are facing now are also signs of a proliferating market that’s just picking up speed.

Lisa Uhlman | 22nd Nov 2023 | More
Market’s goldfish memory on display in oversubscribed UBS CoCo deal

The Swiss bank’s $3.5 billion issue of contingent convertible bank capital drew 10 times as many investors as it needed, showing the market has already forgotten how holders of these bonds fared in the case of the collapsed Credit Suisse.

Lisa Uhlman | 22nd Nov 2023 | More
Australians lose $16B in retirement savings to legacy investment products: FSC

Calling for a product modernisation framework to remove barriers that stop investors from moving to better investments, the peak body said current rules keep too many people stuck in dated, underperforming products, costing retirees and the government big money.

Lisa Uhlman | 22nd Nov 2023 | More
  • Objective of super goes to Parliament with some industry backing, but concerns linger

    With language that largely matches the original proposal, the government’s objective of superannuation is now a step closer to being enshrined in legislation. While industry support remains broadly strong, some take issue with the bill’s wording, some with whether it’s needed at all.

    Lisa Uhlman | 22nd Nov 2023 | More
    Weak October markets show mounting pressures weighing on sentiment

    The ASX 200 fell 3.8 per cent over the month, the biggest fall this year, as investors sought to understand the impact of war, economic factors and other concerns on markets at home and abroad, according to Selfwealth.

    Lisa Uhlman | 15th Nov 2023 | More
    As world pushes towards net zero, one question is key: Who pays for it?

    The global energy transition is an unstoppable process with major questions marks still hanging over it, not least among them the economic implications of super-cheap energy once the transition is complete, according to ClearBridge Investments’ Nick Langley.

    Lisa Uhlman | 15th Nov 2023 | More
    Stars aligning for ‘unloved’ small caps as divergence signals strong returns

    The Australian small-cap sector is currently trading at a whopping 30 per cent discount, according to new research from Datt Capital, with history suggesting strong returns are likely to follow as active managers continue to show their skill in this buzzing space.

    Lisa Uhlman | 8th Nov 2023 | More
    ‘Stronger as a united force’: Top shareholder groups plan merger to enhance member benefits

    The Australian Shareholders’ Association and the Australian Investors Association have agreed to amalgamate in the new year, seeking to grow their membership and influence as a unified leader in advocacy and education.

    Lisa Uhlman | 8th Nov 2023 | More
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