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Labor’s budget ‘gift’ to retirees might be higher interest rates

The Federal Government had next year’s federal election firmly in its sights with this budget, and retirees were among the beneficiaries of its fiscal largesse.

Nicholas Way | 15th May 2024 | More
As ‘normalcy’ returns, investors should rethink their risk appetite

With monetary policy returning to what could best be described as normal settings, investors need to adapt to the changing circumstances, writes Wattle Partners principal Drew Meredith. It’s time to move away from risky growth assets and stop building portfolios for a ‘zero-rate’ environment.

Drew Meredith | 2nd Aug 2023 | More
  • When investing with discretion is the better part of valour: Ruffer

    It is striking how little little yield premium equities are offering over the official interest rate at them moment, says Ruffer’s Steve Russell. Investors may be tempted, but he warns that a cautious road may suit for the period ahead.

    Steve Russell | 30th Jun 2023 | More
    Impending US recession provides opportunities for sage investors: Royce

    Fear of an impending recession in the US has been hashed out for more than 18 months now, says Francis Gannon. The reasons are myriad, but not enough people are talking about what shape a recovery would take and how investors should position themselves.

    Francis Gannon | 7th Jun 2023 | More
  • Why we’re ‘thundering towards the cliff’ of systemic risk

    Systemic risk is difficult for investors to grasp because it’s no big deal – until it is. And unless investors adopt a “vastly different” mindset about pricing, it’s going to get a lot worse.

    Lachlan Maddock | 22nd Mar 2023 | More
    Keeping powder dry with liquid defensive alternatives in 2023

    Like diversifying amongst growth assets, diversification of defensive strategies provides more robust portfolio outcomes. Fundlab’s Michael Armitage highlights recent performance in various defensive alternatives.

    Michael Armitage | 21st Dec 2022 | More
    Ruffer and the art of bubble spotting

    Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists in history; he founded classical mechanics and developed the law of universal gravitation. For all that, he lost his life savings in the South Sea Bubble of 1720.

    Lauren French | 13th Dec 2022 | More
    Economy stretched as business to household gap grows

    If consumer confidence remains low, it’s likely businesses conditions will also deteriorate to reflect an economy facing rising rates, soaring inflation and falling house prices.

    Lachlan Buur-Jensen | 19th Aug 2022 | More
    Carbon credits, burgeoning asset class on the road to net zero

    More and more companies are actively pledging to go carbon neutral by signing either the UN’s Climate Neutral Now pledge or the Net-Zero Carbon by 2040 pledge. Some heavy hitters have already signed up.

    Ishan Dan | 3rd Aug 2022 | More
  • A difficult path ahead to avoid a hard landing

    Following the reopening of global markets post-Covid, there was a sudden change in macro-economic conditions caused by massive stimulus spending and supply constraints. Central bankers were caught asleep at the wheel, but are now starting to talk tough.

    Ishan Dan | 27th Jul 2022 | More
    GHG emissions reach new record high

    Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases struck a record level in 2021. The good news is that more institutional investors are adopting investment policies to combat climate change.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 22nd Jul 2022 | More
    Worried about volatility, dollar cost averaging key in choppy markets

    By following a simple practice known as dollar-cost averaging to buy shares or managed funds, investors can build holdings in assets in a non-emotional and disciplined way.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 20th Jul 2022 | More
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