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David Murphy

David Murphy is a retired academic whose final position at Monash University was director of the Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching. His experience includes 15 years in Hong Kong. These days he eats well, exercises, reads and writes the occasional blog.

David Murphy is a retired academic whose final position at Monash University was director of the Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching. His experience includes 15 years in Hong Kong. These days he eats well, exercises, reads and writes the occasional blog.

David Murphy results

How to cash in on being a senior traveller in the Lion City

Singapore has much to offer as a tourist destination. For retirees, that experience can be enhanced by having a travel money card and packing your senior citizen’s card.

David Murphy | 17th Jul 2024 | More
Surf’s up: Making waves in retirement

Forget the bucket list. Far better to find a pursuit, whether it be a sport or hobby, which you can derive pleasure day in, day out.

David Murphy | 23rd Apr 2024 | More
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