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Retiree longevity fueling income product shift from public to private

Cashed-up retirees in the market for yield are finding that it’s increasingly being delivered by assets that aren’t on the stock market but still have a palatable risk profile.

Tahn Sharpe | 23rd Jul 2024 | More
There’s more to life post work than financial security, good health

Retirement coach Jon Glass will explain to a one-day event focusing on the ‘golden years’ why it’s important everyone finds a new meaning in life after leaving the workforce.

Nicholas Way | 3rd Jul 2024 | More
  • Investors warned to readjust to inflationary environment

    Two decades of investors being able to offset bonds against equities are over. Now investors must go back to the drawing boards to construct their portfolios to meet the challenges of inflation.

    Nicholas Way | 19th Jun 2024 | More
    Longevity is providing a strong tailwind for private assets

    Cashed-up baby boomers are in the market for yield and are finding that it’s increasingly being delivered by non-listed assets with a risk profile they can tolerate.

    Nicholas Way | 29th May 2024 | More
  • A philanthropic twist to a novice investor’s share market journey

    Combining social good while building your wealth and boosting your income in retirement via the Future Generation. That’s a story worth shouting from the rooftops.

    Phyllis Sakinofsky | 29th May 2024 | More
    Retirees finding comfort in materials, healthcare and financial stocks

    Many born before 1946 or the Baby Boomers have been well served by shares paying fully franked dividends. But as longevity kicks in, they could need to factor in a greater emphasis on growth stocks.

    Nicholas Way | 22nd May 2024 | More
    Investors take heed: Central banks are seeing a silver lining in gold

    It was former US President Herbert Hoover who said we have gold because we cannot trust governments. Globally, that sentiment is ringing true for many investors.

    Nicholas Way | 22nd May 2024 | More
    Securing your family’s future using the financial muscle of education bonds

    Many retirees choose to financially assist in their grandchildren’s education, primary, secondary and tertiary, leaving a powerful legacy that will benefit future generations.

    Staff Writer | 7th May 2024 | More
    Rising rates and retirement: The biggest investment stories from 2023

    At the close of another tumultuous year for markets, our most-read stories show readers were interested in the effects of higher interest rates, as capital protection and income security gained importance amid cost-of-living concerns.

    Lisa Uhlman | 20th Dec 2023 | More
  • Weak October markets show mounting pressures weighing on sentiment

    The ASX 200 fell 3.8 per cent over the month, the biggest fall this year, as investors sought to understand the impact of war, economic factors and other concerns on markets at home and abroad, according to Selfwealth.

    Lisa Uhlman | 15th Nov 2023 | More
    ‘Stronger as a united force’: Top shareholder groups plan merger to enhance member benefits

    The Australian Shareholders’ Association and the Australian Investors Association have agreed to amalgamate in the new year, seeking to grow their membership and influence as a unified leader in advocacy and education.

    Lisa Uhlman | 8th Nov 2023 | More
    No ‘dirty word’: Derivatives offer downside protection in volatility

    Derivatives should not be a “dirty word” for investors looking for better returns, capital protection and diversification at a time when volatility and higher inflation appear here to stay, according to Atlantic House Group’s Andrew Lakeman and Global X’s Evan Metcalf.

    Lisa Uhlman | 27th Sep 2023 | More
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