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Staff Writer results

Important checklist to ensure your financial affairs are in order

With June 30 rapidly approaching, retirees need to closely review the past year – especially from a tax perspective – and begin their planning for the coming year.

Staff Writer | 5th Jun 2024 | More
Securing your family’s future using the financial muscle of education bonds

Many retirees choose to financially assist in their grandchildren’s education, primary, secondary and tertiary, leaving a powerful legacy that will benefit future generations.

Staff Writer | 7th May 2024 | More
SMSFs are becoming a byword for complexity

The SMSF Association is taking up the cudgels for a more simplified SMSF sector, with Transfer Balance Caps, ISuper Balance and the rules overseeing the notice of intent to claim a tax deduction in its sights.

Staff Writer | 17th Apr 2024 | More
LRBAs and buying property: A guide for self-managed super funds

LRBAs allow self-managed super funds to borrow money for property acquisition while protecting other assets. According to SMSF specialist Heffron, these investments offer growth opportunities, but following the rules is crucial.

Staff Writer | 20th Dec 2023 | More
No magic number: The price of a comfortable retirement

While recent studies estimate the total savings needed for retirement at about $1 million, specialists caution against a one-size-fits-all approach, and many Australians could be “comfortable” on less.

Staff Writer | 13th Dec 2023 | More
  • Leave it to the pros: Diversification through thematics, managed accounts

    As investors seek greater portfolio exposure and diversification at lower cost, two increasingly popular options – thematic ETFs and managed-account solutions – show how wealth management practices are adapting to clients’ evolving needs.

    Staff Writer | 13th Dec 2023 | More
    The art of downsizing: A strategic retreat for a smarter retirement

    Deciding to downsize involves a delicate balance between emotional ties and practical necessities. While the financial benefits can be worthwhile, it’s crucial that retirees approach this move with a clear understanding of their priorities and objectives.

    Staff Writer | 6th Dec 2023 | More
    Geopolitical risks ebb and flow, but investors may regret ignoring China

    Tensions in Australia’s relationship with China, along with our neighbour’s weak growth other headwinds, have Australians shying off investing in the world’s second largest economy. But given the countries’ deep connections, ignoring China is easier said than done.

    Staff Writer | 6th Dec 2023 | More
    Stubborn inflation prompting Aussies to move goalposts on retirement

    A recent global retirement survey by investment manager MFS shows nearly 60 per cent of Australians are rethinking how they’ll retire because of inflation worries – a bigger hit to retirement confidence than any other recent economic shock, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Staff Writer | 29th Nov 2023 | More
    Building a legacy: Estate planning amid the Great Wealth Transfer

    Planning one’s legacy involves a series of strategic decisions to protect and distribute assets efficiently – and with a record $3.5 trillion set to change hands over the coming decade, it’s key to Australia’s future financial security. Here, we explore tips to help investors optimise their wealth transfer outcomes.

    Staff Writer | 29th Nov 2023 | More
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