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Nicholas Way

Nicholas Way is editor of The Golden Times and has covered business, retirement, politics, human resources and personal investment over a 50-year career.

Nicholas Way is editor of The Golden Times and has covered business, retirement, politics, human resources and personal investment over a 50-year career.

Nicholas Way results

Property investment for retirees is not a sure bet

Baby boomers have been the major beneficiaries of rising housing prices over the decades. That does not necessarily mean it’s a good investment decision for them to buy residential property as they near or begin retirement.

Nicholas Way | 23rd Jul 2024 | More
Higher interest rates could deliver retirees a Christmas bonus

A tight labour market and sticky inflation suggests that the Reserve Bank is not about to cut the cash rate. Indeed, it’s more likely the bank will lift it again – good news for those with cash and term deposits.

Nicholas Way | 23rd Jul 2024 | More
Experienced property fund manager joins Trilogy’s ranks

Laurence Parisi will build on more than two decades in real estate with listed and unlisted funds to grow funds under management and broaden the product offering.

Nicholas Way | 17th Jul 2024 | More
Seniors love going online but fear the consequences: Benetas report

Technology has widespread appeal for retirees wanting to keep in touch with family and friends. The downside is the potential for having their personal information compromised with 17 per cent admitting they have been scammed.

Nicholas Way | 17th Jul 2024 | More
Super fund members increasingly going digital to plan their retirement

As a growing number of baby boomers prepare to leave the workforce, funds are enhancing their technology to better inform members about their retirement income options.

Nicholas Way | 10th Jul 2024 | More
  • No comfort for retirees in Senate’s scathing indictment of ASIC’s failings

    A lengthy inquiry into the regulator has exposed a ‘toothless tiger’. Investors in the defunct Dixon Advisory, who are still waiting for compensation and criminal charges to be laid, would only agree.

    Nicholas Way | 10th Jul 2024 | More
    Seniors Dental Benefit Scheme should be a priority: COTA

    Despite a royal commission putting seniors’ dental health on the political agenda, it remains stillborn. Meanwhile, the high cost of dental care means many are either delaying or totally avoiding getting treatment.

    Nicholas Way | 10th Jul 2024 | More
    There’s more to life post work than financial security, good health

    Retirement coach Jon Glass will explain to a one-day event focusing on the ‘golden years’ why it’s important everyone finds a new meaning in life after leaving the workforce.

    Nicholas Way | 3rd Jul 2024 | More
    Longevity is ‘changing’ people’s expectations about retirement

    People’s goals after full-time work ends vary greatly. The challenge for super funds and advisers is to acknowledge these differing ambitions and find the financial and emotional solutions to meet them.

    Nicholas Way | 3rd Jul 2024 | More
    Rising housing prices pose risk for retirees: Capspace

    While the property boom has dramatically increased household wealth, it has concentrated investors’ portfolios in this asset class. A market shake-out could have dire financial consequences, especially for those in retirement.

    Nicholas Way | 3rd Jul 2024 | More
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