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Higher interest rates could deliver retirees a Christmas bonus

A tight labour market and sticky inflation suggests that the Reserve Bank is not about to cut the cash rate. Indeed, it’s more likely the bank will lift it again – good news for those with cash and term deposits.

Nicholas Way | 23rd Jul 2024 | More
Window to boost British state pension open to Australians

The UK Government is not known for being a soft touch, but until April 2025 it is offering some Australians who have worked in the UK money for jam in the form of a pension top-up.

James Dunn | 17th Jul 2024 | More
  • Seniors love going online but fear the consequences: Benetas report

    Technology has widespread appeal for retirees wanting to keep in touch with family and friends. The downside is the potential for having their personal information compromised with 17 per cent admitting they have been scammed.

    Nicholas Way | 17th Jul 2024 | More
    Seniors Dental Benefit Scheme should be a priority: COTA

    Despite a royal commission putting seniors’ dental health on the political agenda, it remains stillborn. Meanwhile, the high cost of dental care means many are either delaying or totally avoiding getting treatment.

    Nicholas Way | 10th Jul 2024 | More
  • Rising cost of private health cover key concern: National Seniors Association

    Older Australians who can afford their health insurance cling to it – despite the rising cost of premiums, out-of-pocket expenses and increasing difficulty in navigating the system.

    Nicholas Way | 26th Jun 2024 | More
    The bank of mom and dad taking tougher line on credit

    AMP research finds baby boomers reluctant to sacrifice their living standards to bankroll their offspring into housing. But they (happily) let them keep living at home and paying their bills.

    Tahn Sharpe | 5th Jun 2024 | More
    The naked truth about fake news and how to recognise it

    In an era of fake news, it’s getting more difficult to separate fact from fiction. Yet it’s imperative we do so because the consequences for being deceived can be enormous.

    Nicholas Way | 1st May 2024 | More
    Welcome to The Golden Times

    Retirees face challenges and opportunities. At The Golden Times, our ambition is to assist you navigate the former – especially financial – while revealing the new vista of opportunities a secure and dignified retirement can bring.

    Nicholas Way | 10th Apr 2024 | More
    Most billionaires now inherit their money, as great wealth transfer begins

    It’s the first time in nine editions of the UBS Billionaire Ambitions Report that the ultra-rich inherited more money than they earned through entrepreneurship, suggesting the $68 trillion intergenerational wealth transfer is already well under way.

    Lisa Uhlman | 13th Dec 2023 | More
  • To tap the US tech boom, a quality approach helps filter out the froth

    Focussing on the quality of a company and how it’s likely to perform is a key part of a high-conviction strategy, says fund manager Claremont Global. It’s also a useful strategy for investors who want access to the AI-fuelled tech phenomenon in the US without getting caught up in the noise.

    Lisa Uhlman | 6th Dec 2023 | More
    Geopolitical risks ebb and flow, but investors may regret ignoring China

    Tensions in Australia’s relationship with China, along with our neighbour’s weak growth other headwinds, have Australians shying off investing in the world’s second largest economy. But given the countries’ deep connections, ignoring China is easier said than done.

    Staff Writer | 6th Dec 2023 | More
    As banks unite to stop scams, seniors group says more is needed

    The banking industry’s Scam-Safe Accord aims to “put scammers out of business” through six coordinated initiatives, including name and biometric checks. It’s a good first step for protecting older Australians, who are disproportionately affected by scams, an advocacy group says.

    Lisa Uhlman | 29th Nov 2023 | More
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