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Kevin Pelham results

Greens use new super tax proposal to put SMSFs in the firing line

Labor’s proposal to tax earnings on super balances above $3 million gave the Greens the perfect opportunity to accuse SMSFs of being property centric. Pity the facts don’t support their argument.

Kevin Pelham | 5th Jun 2024 | More
Labor’s $3m cap proposal could repeat franking credits debacle

In the 2019 federal election, Labor’s proposal to abolish cash refunds for excess franking credits went down like a lead balloon. So, will the $3 million cap proposal see Labor revisit history?

Kevin Pelham | 15th May 2024 | More
Ageism is the latest industry excuse to criticise SMSFs

From their inception, SMSFs have always attracted more than their fair share of criticism. Now it’s an ageing membership that’s being used to restrict their numbers.

Kevin Pelham | 23rd Apr 2024 | More
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