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Getting sound dietary advice critical in advancing years

As people age, a balanced diet becomes all the more important. So, seeing a nutritionist on a regular basis can be as crucial as a regular medical check-up to maintain good health and well-being.

Jamie Nemtsas | 23rd Jul 2024 | More
Enjoying retirement is about much more than financial security

A one-day conference will offer some concrete steps for those heading into or in retirement already about how they can enjoy their golden years – whether it be their health, well-being, relationships or social engagement.

Nicholas Way | 19th Jun 2024 | More
  • Important checklist to ensure your financial affairs are in order

    With June 30 rapidly approaching, retirees need to closely review the past year – especially from a tax perspective – and begin their planning for the coming year.

    Staff Writer | 5th Jun 2024 | More
    Retirees who invest in life reap the richest rewards

    It’s a lesson many in their retirement years need to learn – how to stop worrying about making money and start learning how to enjoy it.

    Nicholas Way | 22nd May 2024 | More
  • Five foods that pose a health risk to retirees 

    It was the father of medicine, the Greek Hippocrates, who famously said “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. For retirees, that’s advice well worth heeding.

    Matthew Sainsbury | 8th May 2024 | More
    The psychological need behind controlling your retirement

    Many retirees are attracted to the notion of self-managing their nest eggs – a bid to find self-worth in retirement. It can be a poor choice.

    Jamie Nemtsas | 10th Apr 2024 | More
    Super funds, banks to offer ‘new class’ of financial advice under proposed reforms

    To fill Australia’s financial advice gap and empower better financial and retirement outcomes for millions, the government’s plan will create a “new class of advisers” from the institutional ranks to provide simple advice to customers. Industry groups have applauded the move.

    Lisa Uhlman | 13th Dec 2023 | More
    More wealthy investors, but fewer getting advice as wealth transfer looms

    An annual survey of high-net-worth investors shows an increase in the richest Australians over the past year, even as the share of those receiving financial advice has fallen. With the largest intergenerational transfer of wealth in history on the line, a better-aligned approach may be needed.

    Tahn Sharpe | 1st Nov 2023 | More
    Higher for longer: Advisers prepping clients for a fixed-income shift

    With higher interest rates and inflation upending investment dynamics, advisers say they’ve already begun transitioning their clients toward fixed income and defensive assets following a long period when duration didn’t have much to offer.

    Lisa Uhlman | 4th Oct 2023 | More
  • Financial advice to undergo massive reform with red tape slashed and super funds in play

    Financial advice will take a different shape in the future, with the infamous Statement of Advice no longer mandatory and swathes of red tape slashed. The government has also plumped for super funds to play a much larger role in the advice spectrum.

    Tahn Sharpe | 14th Jun 2023 | More
    Shhh… don’t mention the wealth: Family offices fret about online boasting

    A desire to flaunt ubiquitous wealth on social media is putting moneyed families at risk, according to family office representatives, with extortion and kidnapping “a legitimate concern”.

    Tahn Sharpe | 14th Jun 2023 | More
    ‘Rise of the validator’: HNW investors want more collaboration in advice, research shows

    While advisers are still the first choice for investment advice – especially among the emerging affluent – the needs of Australia’s growing cohort of high-net-worth investors are evolving, as more seek validation of their own investment ideas rather than holistic advice, platform provider Praemium says.

    Staff Writer | 26th May 2023 | More
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