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Matthew Sainsbury

Matthew Sainsbury is a contributor for The Golden Times.

Matthew Sainsbury is a contributor for The Golden Times.

Matthew Sainsbury results

Retirees lapping up the opportunity to go cruising

Despite the extra dollars and lingering COVID fears, the open seas have strong appeal as a holiday option. Just be careful to get the cruise that suits your interests and health needs.

Matthew Sainsbury | 10th Jul 2024 | More
Board games demand social interaction – not silence

For generations, and, in the case of chess, for centuries, parlour games have been providing endless hours of entertainment for families and friends alike. Now medical science is demonstrating they improve elderly people’s thinking and memory.

Matthew Sainsbury | 10th Jul 2024 | More
CSIRO report offers food for thought on what we eat

Having the correct diet is critically important for seniors, yet many are failing to regularly eat their (lean) meat and three veggies. While cost is a factor, there are ways to eat healthily on a tight budget.

Matthew Sainsbury | 3rd Jul 2024 | More
Coffs Harbour the growing destination of choice for retirees

Situated almost halfway between Brisbane and Sydney, this coastal town nestled on NSW’s northern coast is an idyllic spot for those seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life in retirement.

Matthew Sainsbury | 26th Jun 2024 | More
Podcasts are an ideal way to broaden your horizons

This popular medium is having growing appeal with retirees as they embrace topics ranging from comedy to health and gardening. Just be careful you don’t become addicted.

Matthew Sainsbury | 26th Jun 2024 | More
  • Regular exercise is critical to retiree well-being

    Many seniors let their fitness slide, despite the fact it’s more critical than ever for enjoying a healthy lifestyle at this time of life. Thankfully, the body responds to exercise, no matter how late you start.

    Matthew Sainsbury | 19th Jun 2024 | More
    Peninsula boasts regional tranquillity with easy access to city amenities

    On Melbourne’s doorstep is the Mornington Peninsula, home to a thriving retiree community that relishes its natural beauty, wineries, restaurants and thriving cultural scene.

    Matthew Sainsbury | 12th Jun 2024 | More
    Technology increasingly no barrier for those in retirement

    Smartphones and tablet computers are opening up new avenues for retirees to enjoy their lives. These five apps are good examples of what’s on offer, but they’re only a starting point.

    Matthew Sainsbury | 12th Jun 2024 | More
    How the humble van is letting senior citizens see Australia on a shoestring

    The rising cost of living is shrinking budgets, making travel that much financially harder. But for those willing to ‘rough it’ in a van, it’s still possible to see this country, from Darwin in the north to Hobart in the south.

    Matthew Sainsbury | 5th Jun 2024 | More
    Walking your way to good health – one step at a time

    Taking 10,000 steps a day might seem nigh-on impossible. But there are many ways to approach this task to make it a walk in the park.

    Matthew Sainsbury | 29th May 2024 | More
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