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Whether starting one or joining one that’s established, they have the potential to deeply enrich the reading experience by getting everyone’s insights into a chosen tome.
The bad news is that seniors remain a primary target of aggressive digital criminals. The good news is that the combined efforts of government, law enforcement and the private sector, plus more aware consumers, are finally paying dividends as the number of financial casualties fall.
Getting the right amount of this mineral is important for seniors – too little or too much and the consequences can be dire. The cure? Simply having a balanced diet is usually all that’s required to meet the daily requirement.
This popular form of exercise is simple to learn, only takes three minutes a day, and will greatly improve seniors’ physical and mental health.
Nearly half of those permanently leaving the workplace consider living elsewhere. While there are solid grounds for doing so, it does have its drawbacks, so spend some time researching the positives and negatives of any potential locale.
Charities, welfare organisations, sporting bodies and even politicians can really benefit when dedicated retirees freely give of their time, expertise and experience.
This Great Southern Land has much to offer those in retirement with time on their hands. Fortunately, with careful planning, it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.
Many retirees aren’t getting enough of the finer things of life – theatre, music, literature and concerts. Although such cultural events can be expensive to attend, with a little imagination it’s possible to find cheaper alternatives that will still entertain.
A Macquarie University and Challenger joint survey has found that retirees who carefully plan this next stage of their lives are better placed to enjoy their golden years.
For much of life, it’s pre-ordained – infancy, getting an education and then work. Post the workplace, many struggle to find their ikigai – the Japanese word for having a reason to get out of bed. As retiree coach Jon Glass explained, it’s essential they do.
In easy driving distance of Wollongong, Sydney and Canberra, the history, food, shopping and varied activities this tranquil town of less than 3,000 people offer are having a growing appeal for many in their golden years.
Speakers including Jon Glass and Bec Wilson discussed what it means to retire and how best to enjoy the golden years at this exclusive Wattle Partners retirement event.